

930 217 812 | C/Marina, 69

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday: from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Emergencies: 24h

Mitral valve mixed degeneration is the most common heart disease in dogs, mainly affecting small breeds. The standard treatment for this disease is primarily pharmacological therapy. Medical treatment delays the onset of congestive heart failure (CHF) and also increases survival time once CHF develops. However, these drugs have minimal effect on the degree of mitral regurgitation (MR) and do not reverse the severity of the disease, so the long-term prognosis is guarded despite medication.

In human medicine, one standard treatment for mitral valve degeneration is surgical repair through thoracic surgery. This option has also been considered in veterinary medicine but has several limitations, such as the need for extracorporeal circulation equipment and a high risk of complications.

As an alternative, in recent years, new minimally invasive surgical techniques have been developed that are performed via catheterization, some of which are already being used in dogs with good results.

One of the most innovative techniques is the V-Clamp device, which allows approximation of the middle zone of the mitral valve leaflets in such a way that, by reducing the orifice generated by the degeneration of the valvular commissures, the regurgitant volume, the pressure at the level of the left atrium, and the risk of pulmonary edema are also reduced.



The advantages of this surgery include:

  • Reduced exposure to surgical trauma in the most delicate patients.
  • Does not require inducing cardiac arrest (cardioplegia).
  • Avoids dependence on extracorporeal circulation, its risks, and complications.
  • The surgical intervention time is much shorter-
  • Involves a shorter recovery time.
  • The degree of post-surgical pain or discomfort is minimal.

In conclusion, mitral valve closure using the V-Clamp device is highly effective in reducing the severity of mitral regurgitation and is a procedure with very good results.

This surgery is performed in very few centers worldwide, and we are proud to announce that in the IVC group, specifically in our Veterinary Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, it is already a reality!


If you want more information, contact us at


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    Clinical cases of interventionism and minimally invasive procedures treated at the Veterinary Hospital del Mar.

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