hospital veterinari del mar
24 hours
Full veterinary service
24 hours
At Hospital Veterinario del Mar we offer veterinary radiology and ultrasound services, veterinary surgery, veterinary laboratory, deworming, dog and cat sterilization, vaccinations, veterinary hospitalization, ethology services, veterinary analyses, traumatology services. In addition, we have a specialist veterinarian in exotic animalsand a separate hospitalization area for cats (Cat Friendly). We offer extensive consultation hours from Monday to Saturday and a 24-hour Veterinary Emergency service.
our hospital
The Hospital Veterinario del Mar is equipped with the latest veterinary innovations, highly qualified professionals and a 24-hour emergency veterinary service: veterinary ICU, hospitalization service, Cat Friendly spaces in all areas, in-house laboratory, digital radiodiagnosis, operating room with monitoring equipment, endoscopy equipment,…
Your reliable veterinary in Barcelona
Your reliable veterinary in Barcelona
We are one of the first hospitals in Europe to have the training and technological requirements necessary to carry out this intervention.
One of our objectives is to offer our specialty services in offices, veterinary clinics and to fellow veterinarians who might be interested, thus offering our center as a referral Veterinary Hospital with full commitment.
At the Hospital Veterinario del Mar we are able to provide all the necessary services to deal with any clinical case in dogs and cats, as well as in exotic animals and small mammals.
diAGnÓstico por imagen
Pioneros en Barcelona en este Servicio, disponemos de un ecógrafo de última generación, radiografías digitales, un equipo innovador de mínima invasión y un TAC y fluoroscopio, también de última generación.
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De conformidad con las normativas de protección de datos, le facilitamos la siguiente información del tratamiento: Responsable: VETERINARIA DEL MAR S.L.
Fines del tratamiento: informar sobre nuestros servicios veterinarios, atender solicitudes y consultas y enviar comunicaciones de productos o servicios
Derechos que le asisten: acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, supresión, limitación y oposición Más información del tratamiento en la Política de privacidad